Author: admin

Automated Material Exchange System

CMP is advancing in 2015 with new technology and will be the first company in North America to commission Amada’s newest pick and place removal system (ARS-TK). This new system will help increase productivity while eliminating the manual shake-a-part operation and accelerate the velocity of the plant without increasing the manpower requirements. Even more exciting…
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February 19, 2015 0

Innovation at CMP

For the last 14 years CMP advanced mechanical solutions has furnished a variety of industries with their design and engineering savvy. The use of Design For Manufacturability Principles (DFM) enables them to engineer a product which facilitates the manufacturing process which in turn lowers the customers costs for parts and for labor. Consistent with CMPs…
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March 14, 2014 0

Letter from the President

As President and CEO of CMP Advanced Mechanical Solutions, I am delighted to present you with the first edition of our Quarterly Newsletter. With the introduction of the Newsletter, we plan to keep you up to date and in tune with the happenings at CMP-AMS and within our industry. We will be sharing our strategies…
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March 1, 2014 0

CMP wins DUX Contest for Healthy Eating Initiatives

CMP Advanced Mechanical Solutions was recognized at the 2014 DUX Gala in Montreal, Qc for promoting and disseminating exemplary practices promoting healthy eating habits. In total, 19 winners were unveiled at the Montreal Science Centre during the prestigious event jointly hosted by Johane Despins, host of television show L’Épicerie, and Jordan LeBel, Professor of food…
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January 29, 2014 0

Financial Post Article for VKS

Alliance Steel president Michael Deitcher likes to tell the story about when he and his friend and business associate, CMP president Steve Zimmermann, were heading to a golf tournament with their wives in Malone, N. Y., about 100 kilometres from Mr. Zimmermann’s home near Montreal.

August 26, 2013 0


In a medium-size factory in a suburb of Montreal, a young team of computer savvy marketers and developers is out to revolutionize manufacturing. Their cure for high defects and low productivity, high costs associated with staff training and wasted material, expensive storage for inventory and lost time due to complexities of modern manufacture, is called…
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August 26, 2013 0

VKS on the Cover of CIM Magazine

“CMP Advanced Mechanical Solutions, Chateauguay, Que., is a manufacturer of enclosures with manufacturing facilities in Canada, the U. S., and Mexico. Despite its world-class status now, the company began life fairly humbly as Chateauguay Machine Parts, a traditional community-based metalworking company named after the Montreal South Shore area that was its home.”

August 26, 2013 0